According to the report in an English daily, Badmaash Company co-stars Anushka Sharma and Shahid Kapoor engaged in a lip-lock at Imran Khan's Mere Brother Ki Dulhan success party. But Shahid Kapoor denied the report on Twitter, saying it's just a figment of a journalist's imagination.
'Extremely distasteful story in mirror today ...some journalists need to really understand where to draw the line between imagination and Reality. Sad. Unfair. Makes me angry,' he tweeted.
Shahid, who was seen arriving hand-in-hand with Anushka at the party, added: 'If nothing else they need to respect the dignity of a girl !!!!! I usually don't react to any of these stories but this one was just a bit much.'
'Extremely distasteful story in mirror today ...some journalists need to really understand where to draw the line between imagination and Reality. Sad. Unfair. Makes me angry,' he tweeted.
Shahid, who was seen arriving hand-in-hand with Anushka at the party, added: 'If nothing else they need to respect the dignity of a girl !!!!! I usually don't react to any of these stories but this one was just a bit much.'