Actress Anushka Sharma has recently been in the news for various link-ups with actors Shahid Kapoor, Ranveer Singh and more recently, Arjun Kapoor. The actor, who has always maintained that she was never dating her co-star of Band Baaja Baarat, is upset with new rumours of her alleged closeness to Shahid.
“I am completely single,” says Anushka. “I believe in love and I want to be in love, but I haven’t found anybody to be in that state yet. I do not meet too many people, but I am open to meeting anybody, not necessarily an actor,” she adds.
At 23, Anushka is single, independent and attractive. How does she handle male attention, especially if it involves a co-actor? “I don’t get attracted to my co-stars because as actors we lead similar lives. I am very selfish. My eating time, workout time, meeting time — I need to have it all for myself. And if the other person is an actor too, he will also have a busy lifestyle. And in such a scenario, it’s difficult for such people to come together. It is just easier to not be with an actor,” she reasons.
So what’s triggered off rumours of her dating Shahid? “It’s just so bizarre. Shahid, Ranveer, Arjun are all friends.And what is wrong in going out with a friend? We all lead busy lives, but when we meet as and when we do, we are paired up. It’s just ridiculous,” fumes the actor who’s now considered one of the best in the business.
Since she admits to being single and open to falling in love, what sort ofman is Anushka looking to date? “I don’t believe in chocolates, gifts, candle-light dinner, et al,” rattles off the actor. “I would hit a boy if he treated me like that. I can be wooed with a good conversation. If I can have fun with him and laugh with him, I am hooked. It is really that simple,” she grins.
“I am completely single,” says Anushka. “I believe in love and I want to be in love, but I haven’t found anybody to be in that state yet. I do not meet too many people, but I am open to meeting anybody, not necessarily an actor,” she adds.
At 23, Anushka is single, independent and attractive. How does she handle male attention, especially if it involves a co-actor? “I don’t get attracted to my co-stars because as actors we lead similar lives. I am very selfish. My eating time, workout time, meeting time — I need to have it all for myself. And if the other person is an actor too, he will also have a busy lifestyle. And in such a scenario, it’s difficult for such people to come together. It is just easier to not be with an actor,” she reasons.
So what’s triggered off rumours of her dating Shahid? “It’s just so bizarre. Shahid, Ranveer, Arjun are all friends.And what is wrong in going out with a friend? We all lead busy lives, but when we meet as and when we do, we are paired up. It’s just ridiculous,” fumes the actor who’s now considered one of the best in the business.
Since she admits to being single and open to falling in love, what sort ofman is Anushka looking to date? “I don’t believe in chocolates, gifts, candle-light dinner, et al,” rattles off the actor. “I would hit a boy if he treated me like that. I can be wooed with a good conversation. If I can have fun with him and laugh with him, I am hooked. It is really that simple,” she grins.