Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra had earlier made news with her stylish wardrobe, which won her the title of India's Best Dressed by People magazine.
The style diva has now posted a picture with Bollywood's favourite designer Manish Malhotra. The Fashion actress was seen in the designer's creation at the Mercedes-Benz Best Dressed Show 2011. The show was held in Mumbai on Saturday (October 8th) evening, in a celebration of the special issue of the magazine.
"Thats last night at the People magazine best dressed launch. Me and Manish Malhotra. Great show," the actress tweeted with the picture.
"Been a crazy few days. Looking forward to walking for Manish Malhotra for the people magazines best dressed issue. Should be super fun," she has tweeted prior to the show.
The style diva has now posted a picture with Bollywood's favourite designer Manish Malhotra. The Fashion actress was seen in the designer's creation at the Mercedes-Benz Best Dressed Show 2011. The show was held in Mumbai on Saturday (October 8th) evening, in a celebration of the special issue of the magazine.
"Thats last night at the People magazine best dressed launch. Me and Manish Malhotra. Great show," the actress tweeted with the picture.
"Been a crazy few days. Looking forward to walking for Manish Malhotra for the people magazines best dressed issue. Should be super fun," she has tweeted prior to the show.