Bachchan family welcomed their little angel on Wednesday when Aishwarya gave birth to a baby girl. Ever since the news was broken by the newly-blessed father Abhishek Bachchan on Twitter, the congratulatory messages haven’t stopped pouring in. And joining the celeb league is none other than the leggy lass Poonam Pandey, who always has a piece of mind to give to her Tweethearts!
Even the model with svelte figure and sensuous looks couldn’t curtail her excitement on the new entrant in the Bachchan family. She wrote on the micro-blogging site Twitter, “Rishte me to ab yeh BAAP nahi DADA lagenge...naam wahi hai @SrBachchan (sic)”.
Further adding on, she tweeted, “after KBC amitabh will be seen teaching ABC @SrBachcan#babyb (sic)”.
Well, for a change the bombshell has something to say about another ‘girl’!
Even the model with svelte figure and sensuous looks couldn’t curtail her excitement on the new entrant in the Bachchan family. She wrote on the micro-blogging site Twitter, “Rishte me to ab yeh BAAP nahi DADA lagenge...naam wahi hai @SrBachchan (sic)”.
Further adding on, she tweeted, “after KBC amitabh will be seen teaching ABC @SrBachcan#babyb (sic)”.
Well, for a change the bombshell has something to say about another ‘girl’!