Dhoom 3, directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, is expected to roll in January 2012. And Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra will face the camera first. “It will be fun to shoot with Uday again. He is a childhood friend. Working together takes the relationship forward and when it comes to this franchise, we’re a little superstitious about it starting with ACP Jai Dixit and Ali Akbar Fateh Khan. They have become iconic characters. There will be no Dhoom without them,” asserts Abhishek.
As Jai, he decimated Kabir (John Abraham) and his biker gang in Dhoom and got even with Mr A (Hrithik Roshan) and Sunheri (Aishwarya Rai) in the sequel. In part three, the savvy inspector takes on another super-thief, played by Aamir Khan. Buzz is that Aamir is learning ballet and that his acrobatic acts will surpass Hrithik’s diving stunts and John’s biking thrills.
Abhishek is amused. “No, Aamir isn’t playing a ballet dancer,” he laughs, but refuses to divulge details about any of the characters, new or old. All he will say is that Dhoom 3 takes forward the story of a cop chasing a robber in the Hindi potboiler format and has plenty of laughs and mind-boggling action.
Reportedly Aamir has pushed the shooting dates because he wants to get into shape. On the other hand, Abhishek has already been working out for Rohit Shetty’s Bol Bachchan and is looking many kilos lighter. “I have to be in prime condition to carry off the stunts,” he says, adding that he doesn’t usually use doubles. “Even for Abbas-Mustan’s Players that will be the first release of 2012 (scheduled to open on January 6), I did all the action sequences myself, including swinging between two running trains in Siberia.”
While John and Hrithik were in his age group, Aamir is a senior and Abhishek admits his equation with this chor (thief) will be different. “I don’t expect to be on back-slapping terms with Aamir but from the little interaction we’ve had, he appears to be a team player and makes work fun. I’m looking forward to sharing screen space and learning lots from him,” he smiles.
As Jai, he decimated Kabir (John Abraham) and his biker gang in Dhoom and got even with Mr A (Hrithik Roshan) and Sunheri (Aishwarya Rai) in the sequel. In part three, the savvy inspector takes on another super-thief, played by Aamir Khan. Buzz is that Aamir is learning ballet and that his acrobatic acts will surpass Hrithik’s diving stunts and John’s biking thrills.
Abhishek is amused. “No, Aamir isn’t playing a ballet dancer,” he laughs, but refuses to divulge details about any of the characters, new or old. All he will say is that Dhoom 3 takes forward the story of a cop chasing a robber in the Hindi potboiler format and has plenty of laughs and mind-boggling action.
Reportedly Aamir has pushed the shooting dates because he wants to get into shape. On the other hand, Abhishek has already been working out for Rohit Shetty’s Bol Bachchan and is looking many kilos lighter. “I have to be in prime condition to carry off the stunts,” he says, adding that he doesn’t usually use doubles. “Even for Abbas-Mustan’s Players that will be the first release of 2012 (scheduled to open on January 6), I did all the action sequences myself, including swinging between two running trains in Siberia.”
While John and Hrithik were in his age group, Aamir is a senior and Abhishek admits his equation with this chor (thief) will be different. “I don’t expect to be on back-slapping terms with Aamir but from the little interaction we’ve had, he appears to be a team player and makes work fun. I’m looking forward to sharing screen space and learning lots from him,” he smiles.