While the verdict on Rockstar's performance at the box office may yet be pending, actor Ranbir Kapoor has already increased his rates after his much-acclaimed acting in the film. The actor has hiked his rates from Rs 8 crore to a whopping 15 crore. Talk of a Great Leap Forward! Ranbir,who is currently working on Anurag Basu's Barfee and Ayan Mukerji's Yeh Jawani Hai Diwani, is charging Rs 8 crore for both. But the Rockstar will reportedly be charging around Rs 15 crore for all the future offers he gets.
While the talk of Ranbir's hike has been received with scepticism by some in the industry, especially before Rockstar's evaluation, corporate houses seem keen on signing Ranbir for future ventures.
"Ranbir is in a very happy space now. While Rockstar has not been appreciated by a certain section of the audience, there is a clear section which has lapped up the film and Ranbir's stupendous performance," a source told Mumbai Mirror.
Incidentally at present, the Khans charge around Rs 27 crore along with profits, Hrithik Roshan charges Rs 20 crore and Ajay Devgn charges around Rs 18 crore.
Clearly, Ranbir has already made it to the league of superstars.
While the talk of Ranbir's hike has been received with scepticism by some in the industry, especially before Rockstar's evaluation, corporate houses seem keen on signing Ranbir for future ventures.
"Ranbir is in a very happy space now. While Rockstar has not been appreciated by a certain section of the audience, there is a clear section which has lapped up the film and Ranbir's stupendous performance," a source told Mumbai Mirror.
Incidentally at present, the Khans charge around Rs 27 crore along with profits, Hrithik Roshan charges Rs 20 crore and Ajay Devgn charges around Rs 18 crore.
Clearly, Ranbir has already made it to the league of superstars.