Shah Rukh Khan finds a new ambition

Somewhere in the middle of promoting his latest venture RA.One, Shah Rukh Khan has found a new ambition. No, it’s not Hollywood he wants to conquer next, but the problem of lack of public utilities for women across India. “My choice of investment would be in public utilities for women
all around the country, in small towns and villages. That is what I want to do. I want to dedicate my life to the cause. I want dignity and respect to be brought to women,” said the actor at an event in Mumbai. The 45-year-old said that the issue has been on his mind for years now.

“(I wanted to do this ever since) I was young and I used to drive on highways,” he said, explaining that’s when he realised that the lack of public conveniences is a big trouble for women. “This is a very small issue, so I don’t think I need to be a prime minister for it. I will be able to sort it out in the next five-six years. But I want to do it with my money. I want to do it through my films. I want to sell my soul if need be. I’ll get the money,” he said.

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