Mahesh Bhatt entered the Bigg Boss house to convince Sunny Leone for his upcoming film ‘Jism 2’. The filmmaker is very excited to start the project as Sunny has accepted the offer and agreed to star in the ultra bold ‘Jism 2’. But the talking point, is how much will Sunny get paid? Will the Bhatt’s pay her the amount that she earns from her porn films?
According to reports, Malika Sherawat was approached for the role, but she asked for a huge amount of 1.5 crores which was immediately refused by the Bhatt camp. Due to which, the project was on a standstill for long.
Though, Bhatt’s do give a chance to new actresses, but pay them peanuts. If we scan the past, all the actresses, who have started their careers with the Bhatt camp never came back to them, as they are not ready to pay well. Does this mean that Bhatt’s will sign Sunny for peanuts?
Giving information about the remuneration for Sunny Leone, Mahesh Bhatt promptly said, “She has accepted the offer. We are waiting for her to come out of the Bigg boss house. Once she is out, Pooja (Bhatt) and Sunny’s agent will sit down to finalise the dates and the money part.”
Well, it’s time to see if the top International porn star will agree to work for peanuts?
According to reports, Malika Sherawat was approached for the role, but she asked for a huge amount of 1.5 crores which was immediately refused by the Bhatt camp. Due to which, the project was on a standstill for long.
Though, Bhatt’s do give a chance to new actresses, but pay them peanuts. If we scan the past, all the actresses, who have started their careers with the Bhatt camp never came back to them, as they are not ready to pay well. Does this mean that Bhatt’s will sign Sunny for peanuts?
Giving information about the remuneration for Sunny Leone, Mahesh Bhatt promptly said, “She has accepted the offer. We are waiting for her to come out of the Bigg boss house. Once she is out, Pooja (Bhatt) and Sunny’s agent will sit down to finalise the dates and the money part.”
Well, it’s time to see if the top International porn star will agree to work for peanuts?