Mallika Sherawat seems to have taken a cue from Priyanka Chopra, who is all set to release her maiden International album soon. As per reports, the leggy lass will be singing a song in Haryanavi language, along with co-actor Sonu Sood, in their upcoming film Lucky Unlucky.
The song will be composed by Santokh Singh and director Afzal Rizvi has asked the music composer to arrange the music in such a way that it suits the actors’ amateur voices.
Talking about the same, Sonu Sood told a daily that since it’s a road movie, it will include songs from all parts of the country. There would be songs in Hindi, Punjabi, Telugu and Haryanavi and the music will keep changing accordance with the city they visit.
The song will be composed by Santokh Singh and director Afzal Rizvi has asked the music composer to arrange the music in such a way that it suits the actors’ amateur voices.
Talking about the same, Sonu Sood told a daily that since it’s a road movie, it will include songs from all parts of the country. There would be songs in Hindi, Punjabi, Telugu and Haryanavi and the music will keep changing accordance with the city they visit.