Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Ra.One’ has been in many ‘digital’ troubles off late. First the songs got leaked on the internet, which may have happened due to mismanagement of properties in the core inside team, and because of having many handlers for same content on internet, viz. T-Series, Eros and Red Chillies' official digital properties.
The latest fiasco in the whole internet promotional strategy happens today, when the much touted Bollywood’s biggest music release on internet got delayed by about 2 hours. After the first announcement came from Ra.One’s official Facebook page about the LIVE streaming of the Music Launch event, much chaos was created amongst Shah Rukh Khan fans around the globe, as no proper information was given to them about the time or proper URL of the event.
And finally at around 4pm IST, YouTube started running a roughly made ad-video informing about the details of the event, which was hardly noticed. As of now the LIVE video link has received about 7,000 hits, and also doesn’t feature in Twitter/YouTube trends (Normally any big event associated with Shah Rukh Khan goes globally trending, at least India trending happens in 30 minutes). In India many people don’t really care about the delays, but as far as the brand of Shah Rukh Khan is considered, and the way his global fan following is, this all isn’t good.
It clearly shows how carelessly the whole internet promotional strategy is being planned and implemented.
The LIVE-streaming finally did not take place, and instead it was recorded & streamed after 2 hours of scheduled time, leaving many negative comments and a 'bad-mouthing' social media response globally.
The LIVE event was approximately watched by 20,000 people around the globe on YouTube, which is way behind the millions of views to similar LIVE-streamed events for My Name is Khan, 3 idiots and Kites in the past.
The latest fiasco in the whole internet promotional strategy happens today, when the much touted Bollywood’s biggest music release on internet got delayed by about 2 hours. After the first announcement came from Ra.One’s official Facebook page about the LIVE streaming of the Music Launch event, much chaos was created amongst Shah Rukh Khan fans around the globe, as no proper information was given to them about the time or proper URL of the event.
And finally at around 4pm IST, YouTube started running a roughly made ad-video informing about the details of the event, which was hardly noticed. As of now the LIVE video link has received about 7,000 hits, and also doesn’t feature in Twitter/YouTube trends (Normally any big event associated with Shah Rukh Khan goes globally trending, at least India trending happens in 30 minutes). In India many people don’t really care about the delays, but as far as the brand of Shah Rukh Khan is considered, and the way his global fan following is, this all isn’t good.
It clearly shows how carelessly the whole internet promotional strategy is being planned and implemented.
The LIVE-streaming finally did not take place, and instead it was recorded & streamed after 2 hours of scheduled time, leaving many negative comments and a 'bad-mouthing' social media response globally.
The LIVE event was approximately watched by 20,000 people around the globe on YouTube, which is way behind the millions of views to similar LIVE-streamed events for My Name is Khan, 3 idiots and Kites in the past.