After much hullabaloo over porn star Sunny Leone’s entry into Bollywood with Jism 2, the makers of the film seem content with roping in the international star. Pooja Bhatt is quite satisfied with casting Leone for the film because she says that the actor's personality must match with the character one plays.
Since, the role that Leone is playing in the film is bold and close to something that the international star does in real life, blurring real and reel was easy for the makers.
"We have done authentic casting in 'Jism 2'. We have taken Sunny Leone because we want a girl who plays that kind of part and persona," Pooja told a news agency.
"It is very important that you cast authentically. Everyone talks about out-of-the-box casting but no one does it," added the 39-year-old.
Pooja maintains that in all the films that she has made, she has cast actors according to their personas and the character’s demand. She went on to say that she has attached herself with people who are audacious and who dare to stick their necks out.
Jism 2 will go on floors soon.